NZ filmmaker Taika Waititi's short film Two Cars, One Night is to be featured in this year's Sydney Mardi Gras Film Festival. The 13-minute Oscar-nominated video is about two brothers waiting for their parents in a car outside a pub. In a particularly gay-positive moment in the film one of the boys tries to impress a girl waiting in a car next to them. One brother says "My brother, he's going to grow up to be a poof. You don't know anyone like that do you? You are, bro, you're gonna grow up to be gay, aren't ya?' And the younger brother looks up from his book and replies"probably.” Two Cars, One Night is showing in the Queer Youth Shorts segment of the festival – a session of films open to audiences 15 years and over.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Sunday, 20th February 2005 - 12:00pm