Auckland City Council has recommended two alternative march routes to Destiny Church which may defy Transit NZ and march its members across the Auckland Harbour Bridge protesting Civil Unions. The church has publicly stated its intention to march a large group across the bridge in defiance of Transit NZ and against the recommendation of the police. Following an internal meeting at the council yesterday a source at the Council says if the anti-gay fundamentalist followers of Brian Tamaki cross the harbour bridge on Saturday March 5 they will be allowed to walk to nearby Victoria Park where they can assemble on the passive recreation area. Destiny has also indicated it may try to gain permission from Transit by marching a smaller group over the bridge to be joined by the remainder. If Destiny abandons its planned bridge crossing altogether Auckland City has recommended they gather at the bottom of Queen Street and march up to the Myers Park area.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Thursday, 27th January 2005 - 12:00pm