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Destiny will defy police to cross bridge

Sat 22 Jan 2005 In: New Zealand Daily News

Fundamentalist anti-gay Destiny Church plans to defy authorities and march 20,000 people across the Auckland Harbour Bridge to protest against the Civil Unions legislation which comes into effect in two months time allowing same-sex and defacto couples to legally formalise their relationship. Auckland police say the march it would be a "nightmare" for the motorway system and support Transit NZ decision to decline permission. Inspector Dave Walker says other events, including a fun run and walk last year involving up to 5000 people, were declined for safety reasons but Destiny remains defiant. "We have done everything within our power to do things right by the authorities. The issues we are marching for are close to the heart of many New Zealanders who uphold traditional family values and respect the institution of marriage. We did not launch this event lightly and have no intention of cancelling it," a spokesman told the NZ Herald this afternoon. Inspector Dave Walker said the march would be a "nightmare" for the Auckland motorway network, with certain gridlock. There were massive logistical problems with assembling such a large group and the impact on the rest of the community and road users had to be considered. Police say they facilitated last year's hikoi against the foreshore and seabed legislation to keep the peace and avoid an "invasion" of the carriageway. "Police would not expect that any group, including Destiny, would encourage its followers to put their lives and the lives of others at risk through unauthorised walking on the bridge," said Mr Walker.    

Credit: News Staff

First published: Saturday, 22nd January 2005 - 12:00pm

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