New events are continuing to be confirmed for the 2005 Hero Festival, including the bizarre-sounding Chocolate Fish Swim Meet. This event is scheduled for 12 February at the Tepid Baths, and is a fundraiser for Herne Bay House. It will be organized by Team Auckland, the gay swimming group, and is open to everyone. A five-night run at the Maidment Studio is also planned for Wellington drag star Polyfilla, in her new show Glamarama, or as she says “Gla Marama if you speak Te Reo.” "GLAMARAMA is a lipsynched extravaganza of movement, darling!" she exclaims. "Audiences may expect smatterings of sequins, sparkles, synthetic hair, silly songs, Shirley Bassey, six-inch heels, smutty jokes and seat wetting." She warns that the show "may be inappropriate for anyone who finds swearing or men in dresses offensive!"
Credit: News Staff
First published: Thursday, 23rd December 2004 - 12:00pm