Gays can have their civil unions, but marriage is still superior - that's the message an Express reader has been sent by an irate Destiny Church representative. "Enjoy your day in the sun while it lasts," wrote Ian Toimata, Destiny Church's Advertising/Music Ministry representative to Express reader Sam Lawrence who wrote to congratulate Destiny on their defeat against the Civil Union Bill. "MARRIAGE IS SUPERIOR. Sorry Sam, dress it up all you like, camp up to the max, drag til you drop. It still ain't a marriage. That's my superior, privileged, exclusive right, as man born man, married to my wife, woman born a woman... Ian Toimata - Married to Hiria (wife/female). Able to procreate. For generations to come. Superior. Sam - Civil Union with other male. Unable to procreate. FULL STOP. Flawed." Toimata challenged Lawrence to stay in touch, to "compare notes" over the next 12 months to see who was correct. "Most of you guys are only good at venting but not at proving your point," he concluded.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Thursday, 16th December 2004 - 12:00pm