Two local gay short films will be screening in the prestigious Reeling Film Festival in Chicago this week. Wellington film-maker and Queer Nation reporter Robyn Paterson's satirical short film Straight Hike For The Butch Dyke will screen this Friday, while Welby Ings' acclaimed short Boy will screen Saturday. The Reeling Festival is the world's second-oldest gay and lesbian film festival, and the two New Zealand shorts are standouts in a programme dominated by North American product. Straight Hike was a hit with New Zealand audiences earlier in the year, winning the audience award for best narrative short at this year's Out Takes film festival. "I believe really strongly in the importance of gay and lesbian film festivals internationally," says Paterson. "They create such a vital opportunity to see ourselves reflected on screen, and form a valuable social event in themselves. I'm excited that Straight Hike will be part of the festival in Chicago, along with Welby Ings, giving New Zealand a presence. I wish we could be there for the screenings!" DVD copies of the film are now available for sale. Enquiries .
Credit: News Staff
First published: Monday, 1st November 2004 - 12:00pm