Destiny's self-proclaimed charge towards rule of New Zealand continues this weekend, with two consecutive Labour Weekend conferences at the Destiny Church headquarters in Mt Wellington; one for the Church, and one for the political party – who of course have nothing to do with one another. Destiny NZ leader Richard Lewis says he will up the ante against the Civil Union Bill this weekend. “The Civil Union Bill is a smoke screen for gay marriage. It is not about equal rights - it's about special rights. If these types of Bills become law, every minority group based on a sexual preference or bizarre behaviour will demand the same legal recognition,” he says. Former policeman Lewis' own bizarre behaviour led to him being discharged from the force. This behaviour included cheating on police tests, being charged following a bar room brawl, and investigated for possessing steroids. Meanwhile, the tax-exempt religious wing of Destiny, the Destiny Church, will merely discuss its modest aim of “equipping men to take a nation" at its conference under the theme of "Gladiators of Reform". “Rulership, Dominion, Possession” are the three buzz-words on the Destiny Church poster advertising the event. A new Tui beer billboard erected in both Auckland and Wellington would seem to express popular public feeling surrounding the Destiny movement; reading "It's a church, not a cult – yeah, right".
Credit: News Staff
First published: Saturday, 23rd October 2004 - 12:00pm