Liam Finn, singer of local schoolboy band Betchadupa has stood up for his masculinity by suggesting Dimmer's Shayne Carter sounds "gay". Speaking to a reporter about the forthcoming APRA Silver Scroll Awards, a songwriting contest in which Finn is a finalist, Finn said, "Really, I don't care who wins, so long as it's not Dimmer. To me Dimmer just sounds like Shayne Carter trying to be Marvin Gaye, but he's left out all the Marvin... He sounds really gay." When told about the comment, Carter found it amusing. "That's priceless, bro. All I can say is, if Betchadupa epitomise toughness, I'm glad I'm not tough."
Credit: News Staff
First published: Tuesday, 12th October 2004 - 12:00pm