Herald readers have continued to respond to the newspaper's weekend feature, which discovered via phone polling and talking to ordinary people on the street that the majority support the Civil Union Bill and its provisions. Letters published in today's paper would seem to suggest the polling was accurate. Out of 13 letters published, 7 were in favour. Of the six letters opposed, two share the surname of Amanda McGrail, the Maxim Institute's communications assistant. It is unknown whether these two respondents are related, but both letters use language and rhetoric almost identical to Maxim opinion pieces on the Civil Union Bill. Those opposed to the Civil Union Bill continued to argue that the inability of same-sex couples to procreate together makes them unworthy of marriage rights. Those in favour continued to challenge opponents to show exactly how the Bill would undermine society and the family.
Credit: GayNZ.com News Staff
First published: Tuesday, 5th October 2004 - 12:00pm