Frothy Herald columnist Garth George's diatribe last week against civil unions has been quaintly compared to Chicken Little's hysteria about the sky falling. "The sky will not fall if the Civil Union Bill is passed," says David Friar in this morning's Herald. "...Any institution that reinforces a couple's commitment to each other and promotes the stability of their relationship must be good for society. We should be promoting more commitment and stability, not less...The public commitment, celebration and endorsement of relationships is socially important." Friar also takes George to task for points of error made, including his assertion that the bill is wildly unpopular. Friar also points out that George appears to have flip-flopped since 24 June, when he wrote in the Herald that he thought the bill was a "good idea".
Credit: News Staff
First published: Monday, 6th September 2004 - 12:00pm