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Destiny: "painted antigay by media"

Tue 31 Aug 2004 In: New Zealand Daily News

The Destiny Church has abandoned plans for a 150-strong public haka in a Tauranga shopping mall for fears it will upset people, with leaders saying the television church has been painted by the media as anti-gay. Further confusion has been created over the separation between the Church and its political arm Destiny New Zealand, with public statements on the Church's position being made by haka organiser Tauha Tekani, a Destiny New Zealand political party member and delegate for Maori electorate Ikaroa Rawhiti. Tekani said the church did not believe in homosexuality but "welcomed gay people into the congregation to offer help", according to the Bay of Plenty Times. "We are not against gays. We are not an anti-gay church. We are sending a message to Government that we are not happy.'' Tekani also said he has family members who are gay. "I have seen the destruction of what they are into. I can see the damage caused by the identity crisis. But I still love them.'' "The media painted it as being an anti-gay march," said Tekani of the 'Enough is Enough' hate march to Parliament. "This confrontation is not against a group of people, it is more against immoral legislation coming from the Government."    

Credit: News Staff

First published: Tuesday, 31st August 2004 - 12:00pm

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