The exclusivity of Destiny Church offers a "bizarre kind of comfort" to its poor, says the Sunday Star-Times in today's editorial, and that comfort is "I may be poor, but at least I'm not gay". The editorial, entitled "Irrelevance is Tamaki's destiny", is one of several articles on the television church in this week's paper. Others have uncovered scandals within the organisation, such as Tamaki fathering a child out of wedlock, a senior Destiny appointee in a position of leadership after being thrown out of another church for adulterous liaisons, and allegations from an elderly Rotorua couple that Destiny owe them $150,000 (the loan has since been repaid following investigations by the newspaper). "Destiny New Zealand is more silly than sinister," says the SST, carrying on a now-familiar confusion between the Destiny political arm and the church itself. The clear distinction between the two, which could potentially cause problems for Destiny under the Electoral Act, has yet to be defined.