Waikato MPs who had their faces plastered across the cover of Express and labelled homophobes have reacted with a mixture of pride and indifference. Express newspaper last week published the photos of 49 MPs who voted against the Civil Union bill on its front cover, with the headline 'The Ugly Faces of Homophobia'. National MP for Taranaki/King Country Shane Ardern did not regret his decision to vote against, saying that close to one hundred percent of all mail he received opposed the bill. He was vaguely proud of his new-found notoriety. "Having some Auckland paper take shots at you is about as good a badge as anyone from the Taranaki-King Country can wear," he said. National MP for Coromandel Sandra Goudie said suggestions she was homophobic were "a load of bollocks...they don't know me at all and have no concept of what I believe in."