National MP Brian Connell's lesbian sister-in-law has confronted him over his vicious attacks on gays and lesbians in Parliament during the civil union debate. "This politically correct nonsense that preaches that homosexual and lesbian relationships are the equal to marriage, and are a satisfactory environment in which to raise kids, is an absolute disgrace,” Connell said last week. “We need strong people who are prepared to rail against this type of nonsense." Connell has received hate mail branding him a homophobe since making his speech. Erin Kennedy, who shares custody of three children with her former female partner, said Connell's comments were a “disgrace, especially from someone who knows my children.” Connell, who says he would have voted against homosexual law reform, doesn't believe his stance will affect his relationship with Kennedy – he says the argument is not about individuals, and that Kennedy's children are probably the exception to the rule.