Concerns have been raised that the NZ Herald is turning into a stealthy mouthpiece for the moral right in the lead-up to the first vote in Parliament on civil unions. The Herald has in the last week published two op-ed pieces without making clear the true origins of its authors. Friday's edition saw the publication of “Nature vs Nurture” by Dr Neil Whitehead, in which homosexuality was likened to alcoholism. “Those conservative religious people who believe that part of their good news is that change for any trait is possible, though difficult, have solid scientific backing that it is not unreasonable to try. Is not potential change already the basis for political action of any stripe?” Whitehead wrote. What neither Whitehead nor the Herald acknowledged was that Whitehead himself is one of “those conservative religious people”. He is a fundamentalist Baptist with links to “ex-gay” organisation Exodus International. In this morning's Herald, Dr Samuel Gregg says “homosexual unions are not morally equal”, and outlines reasons why he believes same-sex couples should not be recognised. He is credited by the Herald as writing for the “Acton Insitute” in the US. A quick search on the internet reveals the full name of this institute is actually the “Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty”. "Our mission is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles," it says on the Institute's website.