The Law Commission is holding a series of public meetings in June for gays and lesbians to discuss legal issues arising from surrogate parenthood and sperm donation, and wishes to hear from gay parents who have conceived in this manner. "Parental laws as to status, responsibilities and rights are based on a heterosexual nuclear family where there are two biological parents,” says commissioner Frances Joychild. “The creation of families by gay and lesbian persons using donor insemination creates a number of legal uncertainties and a greater risk of difficult and costly court cases should disagreements arise.” The various issues involved were first raised in a discussion paper, “New Issues in Legal Parenthood”, released by the Commission in early April. They include fatherhood rights for sperm donors, parental rights for the same-sex partners of gay parents, and the rights of children to identify their sperm donor father. Ms Joychild says some of these issues will be dealt with in the forthcoming Care of Children bill, but in a particular way. As the Law Commission makes recommendations to Parliament, these public meetings are a chance for the voice of gay and lesbian parents to be heard. Meetings for lesbians Auckland Wednesday 9th June, 6.30 – 8.30pm, St Columba Ctr, 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby. Wellington Wednesday 16th June 5.30 – 7.30 pm, Law Commission, Level 10, 89 The Terrace. Christchurch Wednesday 30th June 5.30 – 7.30 pm, Parish Hall, Holy Trinity Church, Lychgate Close, off Stanmore Rd, Avondale. Meeting for gay fathers / sperm donors Auckland Wednesday 9th June 6.30 – 8.30pm, NZ Aids Foundation, Level 1, 31-35 Hargreaves Street, Ponsonby. Wellington Thursday, 17th June 5.30 – 7.30pm, Law Commission, Level 10, 89 The Terrace. Christchurch Wednesday, 30th June, 12 – 1.30pm, Parish Hall, Holy Trinity Church, Lychgate Close, off Stanmore Rd, Avondale.