If a US-style backlash against minority groups ensues in New Zealand, then Labour and the PC brigade will only have themselves to blame, says NBR columnist Jeff Gamlin. Gamlin says that New Zealand society has always been deeply racist, sexist and homophobic, and that PC attitudes which have told the public these views are unacceptable have not fully changed the minds of a public which, at best, subscribe largely to a “live and let live” mentality. “Thus, nowadays if you are not actively pro-Maori, pro-gay rights or pro-feminist, you run the risk of being branded as racist, homophobic or misogynist. But New Zealanders haven't necessarily changed their views to this extent,” he says. “The US provides an example of where matters could go next. That country is even more deeply divided over fundamental social issues. Conservatives are mobilising to roll back liberal advances in areas such as gay rights and affirmative action for minority groups.” "If such a backlash eventuates in New Zealand, the Labour government and the PC brigade will only have themselves to blame."