Labour is busy putting its legislative effort into the gay agenda, says Act MP Dr Muriel Newman, expressing her horror at the introduction of the Civil Union bill. In a column entitled “Labour Attacks NZ's Foundation”, Newman erroneously alleges that the bill is being pushed despite existing legal entitlements that provide the official protections being called for by the activists promoting this law change. “The fundamental issues MPs must consider when deciding whether or not to support legislative change are, firstly, whether there is a problem that the proposed law will fix – and, in this instance, that doesn't appear to be the case,” she says. “While socialist politicians appear comfortable seeing the seeds of family disintegration germinate – since the family offers the greatest defence against State control – those who oppose socialism should cast political correctness aside and support marriage in order to arrest the decline of the nuclear family. "Since Labour has been in power, ACT has steadfastly opposed each of the anti-family Bills that it has introduced. The Government intends that the Civil Union Bill will, however, be a conscience vote. Because its effect would undoubtedly be to further undermine marriage, I do not believe I can support it."
Credit: News Staff
First published: Thursday, 29th April 2004 - 12:00pm