The AIDS Foundation's new Executive Director, Rachael LeMesurier, says they will be doing all they can to raise profile and shock a community and a country out of its complacency surrounding HIV. "The Foundation is going to be raising profile and doing as much as we can to put pressure on Pharmac, but also to inform MSM in particular that there is no cure, and treatment is not something that is a failsafe method of avoiding safer sex," she says. "Obviously, treatment is not all that pleasant, and secondly it's clear that it's not long term." She is also keen to ensure that lines of communication between the Foundation and the gay community remain open. "It's probably some of the strongest community connections I've seen any organisation have... That may mean that sometimes there is criticism, or things said that aren't so welcome. But having said that, there is a willingess to engage, and acknowledgement that at the end of the day we're all wanting the same thing."