The Sunday Star-Times this week chose to print no reader's letters refuting reporter Lauren Quaintance's severely flawed piece printed last week which suggested gays could "change". Quaintance's piece spoke to two New Zealand "ex-gays" which were referred to the newspaper by discredited ex-gay organisation Exodus International, and this week the Sunday Star-Times printed a letter from one reader praising the "absolutely fantastic" article and the bravery of the subjects interviewed. "Jacqui Wyles and Aaron Ure were incredibly brave to share their intimate life stories in the face of what I expect will be a huge defensive protest in such a PC environment as ours," wrote Auckland reader Jane Davies-Colley. "Wyles and Ure seem to have gone through another closet door opening which ironically in this day and age, would appear just as controversial as the original."
Credit: News Staff
First published: Sunday, 16th November 2003 - 12:00pm