Amateur conspiracy theorist Ian Wishart is now a homosexual-conspiracy theorist, after proudly devoting the “controversial” cover story in the November issue of his Investigate magazine to outing Prime Minister Helen Clark as a “closet lesbian”. In an article that is paranoically obsessed with homosexuality, Wishart alleges that Clark's closet lesbianism is driving Labour's agenda to socially re-engineer New Zealand society and legitimise same-sex relationships, a Freudian response to her own repressed desires. Wishart also accuses the PM of a “pathological” dislike of men, “pathological” hatred toward the idea of having children, and “hostility” toward the modern nuclear family, as well as expressing concern at gays and lesbians in positions of power. “As part of the matrix that defines who Helen Clark is and how she thinks, her gender preferences are crucial in assessing how she might approach a given social issue,” says Wishart in the editorial. Elsewhere in the magazine, Wishart responds to a reader's letter on gay bishops by discussing a “fascinating” study he's heard about that “indicates the massive increase in the use of soy milk over the past four decades has contributed to increased levels of homosexuality among men”. No source is given for the study.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Friday, 14th November 2003 - 12:00pm