A judicial commission has ruled that there are no specific regulations barring gays and lesbians from leadership roles in the Presbyterian Church, paving the way for Wellington woman Deborah Gordon to fulfil her dream of becoming a Presbyterian minister. "At St Andrew's on The Terrace, we have benefited greatly from Deborah's ministry of music, teaching, liturgy, preaching and care," says Douglas Wood, convenor of the St Andrew's Parish Council, Ms Gordon's home parish. “We believe she has gifts and abilities that fit her for ordained ministry and are delighted she will have the opportunity to be assessed for ministry training in the very near future." Rev Dr Margaret Mayman, minister of St Andrew's, says the decision is an overwhelmingly wonderful moment in the life of the Presbyterian Church. “For gay and lesbian Presbyterians it is a welcome home, an honouring that we are members of the church with the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else. We have come to this day through the commitment of many gay and lesbian people who have struggled to remain in a church that had declared us second class Christians. “I am thankful for Deborah's courage and for the dedication of all the gay and straight Presbyterians who have struggled to see our church become whole again.”
Credit: GayNZ.com News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 22nd October 2003 - 12:00pm