A full-frontal nude photograph of cabaret star Mika wearing false breasts has caused a mini-furore at the Christchurch Art Gallery amongst middle-aged Christian women, all of whom have complained in writing to the gallery asking for the picture's removal. Christchurch woman Diane Botherway said it took days to get the image out of her mind. "I walked round the corner, and I felt like there was a nude man standing there exposing himself to me. That's how much of a shock it was, because it was so graphic. You just couldn't get away from it. I felt almost violated." Hubert Klaassens, gallery public programmes manager, said all complaints are taken seriously but there are no plans to remove the photograph. He says there are three signs in the gallery that warn about explicit content, and teachers are also informed before bringing schoolchildren into the gallery. Mika himself is very fond of the photograph. "I've always liked the masculine and the feminine. I can drop kick a rugby ball and put eyeliner on straight."