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Several new leads in McNee case

Sat 26 Jul 2003 In: New Zealand Daily News

Police are investigating several new leads in the David McNee murder, including several sightings of his car and an assault on McNee eight months ago. A restraining order was issued last year against a man who physically assaulted McNee over a debt. McNee said at the time that the debt was owed by the previous owner of the house, and that the beating was a case of mistaken identity. There have also been two more reported sightings of McNee's black Audi convertible, at a food outlet in South Auckland and a retail store in Auckland City. Both witnesses reported that there were several people in the car. Two items found in McNee's garden on Thursday have been sent for forensic investigation.    

Credit: News Staff

First published: Saturday, 26th July 2003 - 12:00pm

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