The questionable testimony of children connected to the Peter Ellis case will be made publicly available, thanks to publisher Barry Colman. Mr Colman has obtained transcripts of testimony that was never presented to the jury, including the testimony of one child that sparked accusations against Ellis of perpetuating ritual satanic abuse, which he plans to publish in full-page advertisements in national Sunday papers on August 3. "The children's testimony will expose how pathetic, flimsy, and one-sided the evidence against Ellis was, and how the information was obtained by those questioning the children," he said. "The public will be able to judge for the first time for themselves the quality of the testimony." The testimony was passed on to Mr Colman as a result of publicity surrounding his offer of a $100,000 reward to any members of the public coming forward with evidence that could help force a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the case. Mr Colman says there has been no claim made on the reward, however, and he now intends to use some of that money to fund the publishing of the new evidence that has come to light.