Coalition MPs are wasting no time in voicing their opposition to any form of legal recognition for gay relationships in advance of civil union legislation being introduced for debate in Parliament. United Future leader Peter Dunne says that he will not personally support anything that accorded gay relationships the same status as marriage. Fellow United Future MP Paul Adams went further by saying people could practise different lifestyles, but people choosing to get married should have their greater legal rights preserved. "I think marriage is a unique institution, that is a male married to a female,” he said. Stating that the party's view was not wholly a Christian one, he added, “A husband and a wife in a married relationship bringing up children is the best [family] model that has been produced. The vast majority in the community are looking for greater support for the traditional family.” The Catholic Church continues to condemn the legislation, which Associate Justice Minister Lianne Dalziel's office is yet to release any public statement on. “At worst, it's kinky,” said Bishop Peter Cullinane, in one of the more ironic opinions voiced about gay civil unions so far.