Staff of Auckland City Hospital's mortuary are alleged to have been disrespecting the bodies of dead people in their care including making disparaging comments about people known to to be homosexual, according to a front page article in today's Herald On Sunday. What is described as a "top level" inquiry is now under way into allegations of bullying, unsatisfactory work practices and the treatment of bodies at the mortuary. Up to five "strikingly similar" claims have been uncovered by the Herald although it appears the staff making the accusations, several of whom no longer work at the hospital, did not make formal complaints. Until now no formal investigations were carried out by the Auckland District Health Board although at least one senior manager appears to have known of some aspects of the problems, which included alleged workplace bullying, disparaging physically disabled people and the use of racist terms such as "Gollywogs" when describing some bodies.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 14th May 2017 - 7:20pm