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SlayTV promotes stories of queer and trans POC

Tue 28 Mar 2017 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA

A new streaming service is attempting to increase the media presence of queer and gender diverse people of colour.   Created by Sean Torrington and his husband Terry, SlayTV was initially set up as a YouTube channel featuring the stories of queer and gender diverse POC and has now become a streaming service that hosts a range of content. 71.5% of queer and trans characters on US television and streaming platforms are white according to a 2016 GLAAD report. The platform not only offers POC storytellers to share queer and trans stories, but provides a platform for these storytellers to monetise their work. Torrington’s series reflecting on his coming out as a gay African American man features on the service and he says “Growing up in the '90s, I didn't see anything that is a representation of black queer anything anywhere, so it's extremely important that I create a safe space for the young kids.” SlayTV is available online and on IOS and Android.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Tuesday, 28th March 2017 - 9:03pm

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