Thu 2 Feb 2017 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Hook-up app Grindr is being sued by a gay man for what he says is their complicity in a revenge action by his former partner which has left him fearing for his life. New York-based actor Matthew Herrick claims in court documents that after leaving an abusive relationship Grindr profiles purporting to be him were created by his ex. This has allegedly let to a string of unwelcome advances on him at home and in his workplace, including an instance when a man managed to get in to his apartment and attacked a flatmate who threatened to call the police. Herrick says he has been in contact with Grindr over 50 times but the fake profiles remain live. He says he fears being raped or murdered. Grindr has not commented on the matter.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 2nd February 2017 - 9:33am