Sat 24 Dec 2016 In: Our Communities View at Wayback View at NDHA
Community leaders remind us that this is a time for thinking of each other, and sharing the love and kisses. PAUL FOSTER-BELL, MP: For those of us who have been fortunate in life our thoughts should turn to the less fortunate, especially young glbti people in the process of coming out including those in our own families. Spare a thought for them, make sure they are included in the enjoyment of the holiday season. Reach out and make sure they are all right. BRUCE KILMISTER, CHAIR OF BODY POSITIVE: I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a safe time for the holiday periods, and hope that we will all take a moment to think of someone that we perhaps haven't thought of for a while and make contact. It's important that we all know that people are thinking of us and that we value each other and that someone wishes us well, not only for this season but for the coming year. DUNCAN MATTHEWS, GENERAL MANAGER OF RAINBOW YOUTH: Christmas can be a time of mixed emotions for many - family related, in particular! While navigating these emotions can be difficult, I often reflect on how lucky we are in New Zealand to have built up a culture around rest, relaxation and fun over the summer break. While not everyone is lucky enough to be able to take a week or two off around Christmas and New Years, I would encourage everyone to be a bit lazy this time of year. Forget about the year just been and the year ahead. Take time to spend with those important to you, and reach out to those who might not have family, or aren’t able to be with their chosen ones this season. Have a happy and safe holiday whānau! BUCKWHEAT, DRAG DIVA: "Merry Festivus to the rest of us, big drag kisses! xoxox" - 24th December 2016