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Test regularly for syphilis advises NZAF

Fri 16 Dec 2016 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

The NZ AIDS Foundation is advising sexually active gay an bisexual men to get tested frequently for syphilis after it was highlighted this morning that there is a resurgence of the sexually transmitted disease in Auckland. Dr Jason Meyers of the NZAF In recent years there have been several mini-epidemics of syphilis, which was almost eradicated in the 1970s, in areas such as Christchurch and Palmerston North. This time the blow-out is in Auckland with 150 cases discovered, primarily amongst gay and bisexual men, in 2015, the latest period for which figures are available. "One of the drivers of this resurgent epidemic is the lack of symptoms... people don't realise they've got it and so can pass it on very easily," says the NZAF's Jason Meyers. Additionally, close sexual networks in which a core of sexually interconnected men transmit the virus between themselves and then anyone else they come into contact with is also underlying the problem. And although condoms use can stop genital transmission of syphilis it can also be spread by oral sex. Meyers also warns that having sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis considerably increases the chance of a person contracting HIV. "Test regularly for syphilis and other STIs, especially of you have a number of sexual partners," advises Meyers, "and use condoms for anal sex." He says treatments are readily available and effective, unlike for STIs such as gonorrhoea for which resistance to available treatments is becoming a major problem.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Friday, 16th December 2016 - 11:50am

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