Thu 8 Dec 2016 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
In an interview with Time magazine after the publication named him its person of the year, US president-elect Donald Trump has claimed that President Obama has helped him choose a Cabinet which is heavily loaded with homophobes. Trump's Cabinet pics include a Housing and Urban Development Secretary who has comparing gay people to paedophiles, and insisting that prisons ‘prove’ being gay is a choice. He previously insisted that same-sex marriage is a Marxist plot from the New World Order, claiming gay weddings are part of a plan “to destroy unity [and] bring America down." Trump's Attorney General fought against marriage equality and discrimination protections for LGBT people and opposed lifting the ban on openly gay people serving in the military. And his Secretary of Health and Human Services is a Republican lawmaker who co-sponsored a law which would legalise discrimination against LGBT people on the grounds of religion. Obama has yet to react publicly to Trump's comments to Time.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 8th December 2016 - 11:24am