Thu 1 Dec 2016 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
The family of an Australian boy who killed himself due to being bullied for being gay is now being abused by internet trolls. Tyrone Unsworth and his mother Tyrone Unsworth of Brisbane took his own life last week. His mother says “He was a really feminine male, he loved fashion, he loved make-up and the boys always picked on him, calling him gay-boy, faggot, fairy.” But now his family is being abused by the bullies through fake Facebook identities. At one point Ms Unsworth replied to one message, saying “how about you come and have a look at my son’s dead body and other kids that take their lives.” To which the fake account responded: “I’ve already seen dead bodies before I don’t care.” One still active troll has posted a picture of a person holding a toy gun in response. Another attacking Facebook page was shut down after friends of the family mounted a social media campaign. Earlier this month an Australian journalist who specialises in internet trolling said the best way to deal with trolling is not to engage them in debate. "They are dying for your response," Ginger Gorman told Radio NZ. "They want to see that they've hurt you."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 1st December 2016 - 2:03pm