The number of calls to OUTLine have hit a new high, with members of the LGBTI community making contact following the recent comments made by Destiny Church’s Brian Tamaki. Brian Tamaki’s comments that LGBTI people cause earthquakes, have contributed to the record high call volume together with Donald Trump being elected as President of the United States, and the Kaikoura earthquakes and aftershocks hitting the country. Trevor Easton, General Manager of the national support service says “Certainly some of our callers have been triggered by Brian Tamaki’s comments. It’s just awful! “We are at 902 calls with 7 days of the month to go. Our previous high was this August at 953.” OutLine's call numbers for 2015 were already 287% higher than any previous year on record and the data collected so far this year continues this upward trend.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 24th November 2016 - 2:52pm