More than 100,000 people are calling for Destiny Church to be classified as a hate group and stripped of its tax-free status following its self appointed Bishop’s comments that gay people cause earthquakes. In less than 48 hours, the petition “Strip Destiny Church from TAX free status” has gathered 107,620 signatures. Destiny Church leader Brian Tamaki gave a sermon last Sunday, prior to the Kaikoura earthquake, blaming people who sinned and gay people for natural disasters such as earthquakes and he spoke of the Christchurch earthquakes blaming Christchurch churches who were “actively involved in homosexual practices, homosexual priests”. In a blog posted after the sermon he wrote: "No other sin in the whole of the bible has any connection to earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions, but sexual perversions alone.” You can sign the petition here.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 18th November 2016 - 9:52am