This weekend will see a record number of Māori glbti people attending the 30th Hui Takatāpui. pui at the weekend. Registrations have closed with 197 people expected to attend at the Nga Kete Wananga Marae, the largest number that can be handled by the facilities at the Marae due to OSH requirements, according to Jordan Harris of the NZ AIDS Foundation. Most attendees will be accommodated at the marae, in Otara, but some who have specific health needs have been billeted out in the area. The theme of this year's hui is 'Tu Mai Te Turangawaewae,' or 'A Place of Standing' and the gathering will attempt to help those glbti, or takatāpui, people who have difficulties being accepted by their own whanau. "It varies from place to place but some takatāpui are embraced and supported by their whanau, but some are not and cannot have a space," says Harris. He says by coming into closer contact and involvement with the takatāpui community they can become stronger in themselves. The hui aims for them to return to their whanau better equipped to educate and inform people about what it is to be takatāpui. One of the resources they will be able to take with them will be a new book, Takataapui, A Place of Standing, which will be launched on Saturday night at the hui.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 15th November 2016 - 9:41am