Thu 10 Nov 2016 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Unconfirmed reports are emerging claiming that as many as eight transgender youth in the United States have committed suicide following the election of Donald Trump as President. Guardian writer Zach Stafford first tweeted about the developing news saying that a private support group had provided him the information. When media outlet Mic inquired about the Tweet, Stafford clarified that the exact number is unknown but could range between two to eight youth, with others making attempts. Mic reports that LGBTI phone hotlines are saying the number of incoming calls has “risen dramatically”, with the Trevor Project hotline double the usual number of calls and Trans Lifeline receiving more calls than ever before. Steve Mendelsohn, spokesperson for the The Trevor Project told Time Magazine “We have made so much progress over the past few years, and there’s a fear that we’re going to backwards and LGBTQ people are going to lose their rights. “Young people are worried about their futures.” He went on to say “Callers are expressing a lot of fear and anxiety around the election results. “We’re seeing a direct impact.” If this story raises issues and you need to talk, there is ALWAYS help out there. Please call OUTLine on 0800 OUTLINE, or Rainbow Youth on (09) 376 4155. After hours you can call Lifeline's 24-hr Suicide Crisis Helpline - 0508 TAUTOKO (82 88 65).
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 10th November 2016 - 5:25pm