Tue 25 Oct 2016 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
A gay Wairarapa man who offered the ailing Georgina Beyer one of his kidneys as a birthday present made what Beyer calls an “incredibly generous” offer which left her in tears of gratitude, but it's an offer she can now only hope she can use. In an interview with GayNZ.com Daily News Beyer has confirmed the offer came from a close gay friend but that by the time he had endured enough tests to ensure his kidney would be a close enough match for transplanting her own health had deteriorated, putting the whole process on hold. “So now it all waits in abeyance while I hopefully improve my heart condition,” she says. As she and her doctors struggle to get her physical health back into a better state she has lost over 20kg in weight, as well as drastically reduced muscle tone and stamina. She describes the relentless regime of medications, testing, hospital dialysis and food and drink restrictions as “drudgery.” But, she says, she manages to keep her spirits up, drawing on her lifetime of self-discipline and the support of a small group of close friends.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 25th October 2016 - 12:04pm