Sun 23 Oct 2016 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Former TV and now radio presenter Alison Mau has told talk show host Anika Moa that she had little time to come to terms with her sexuality before she was outed by two mainstream media, an experience she describes as "awful". Alison Mau Mau told Moa, a lesbian singer and songwriter who is now hosting the All Talk Maori TV show, she found the process of being outed by Woman's Day and the Herald on Sunday did not give her time to come to terms with the implications of her bisexuality. Soon after the outing Mau told the audience at the 2010 Queen of the Whole Universe charity fundraiser she had "fallen in love with a beautiful woman" and immediately after the event finished she publicly confirmed her sexuality and position in an exclusive interview with Daily News. At the time she said being outed had caused her much grief and had attracted abusive comments.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 23rd October 2016 - 8:28pm