A seven-year old in the UK has been removed from a mother's care by a judge because she was raising him as a female. The judge said the mother was doing the child "a great deal of emotional harm". It is not clear if the child is actually experiencing gender dysphoria or if the mother encouraged a female identity onto her child. In requiring the child to be cared for by itsfather the judge said “It is striking that most of the boy’s interests are male-oriented. I am entirely satisfied, both on the basis of the reports and the father’s evidence at this hearing, that he has brought no pressure on the boy to pursue masculine interests. The boy’s interests and energy are entirely self-motivated.” A transgender youth support charity which says it has been working with the family for two years is objecting to the judge's decision.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News
First published: Sunday, 23rd October 2016 - 11:08am