Mon 10 Oct 2016 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Further to advice available on Saturday that Richard Hills, whose election to Auckland City council now seems assured, will be the super city's first openly gay councilor, it has now become clearer that he was preceded by two other openly gay councilors who served on councils which disappeared when the Super City came into being. Trevor Barnard Distinctions between the current super city and its predecessors can be confusing or in some cases of dubious relevancy but for the record Trevor Barnard was on the old Auckland City Council, which was absorbed into the super city, in the 1990s and was particularly vocal about gay issues during the then-controversial Hero gay pride festivals. Denise Yates And Denise Yates, who was on Saturday re-elected onto the Waitakere Ranges Local Board, was a Waitakere City councilor, also in the 1990s. She experienced some anti-lesbian sentiment during her 1990s campaigning in the form of defaced billboards.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 10th October 2016 - 8:32am