Tue 4 Oct 2016 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
USA presidential candidate Donald Trump has suggested he would roll back "ridiculous" regulations which allow transgender people to serve in the US military. President Obama altered the regulations earlier this year to allow transgender people to serve. In a question and answer session overseen by right-wing anti-gay chair Tony Perkins, Trump a participant stated that the US military has been "undermined by the forces of political correctness – the military has become an institution for social experiments, and as a result the military has undergone a number of changes with regards to women in combat, transgender rights and other issues... What will you do about the social engineering that’s been imposed on our military?” Trump replied: “We’re going to get away from political correctness... we have a politically correct military and it’s getting more and more politically correct every day... Some of the things they’re asking you to do and be politically correct about are ridiculous." However Trump then passed the buck, saying: “We’d get our military people to make recommendations to me and I will follow those recommendations.”
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 4th October 2016 - 12:21pm