Thu 22 Sep 2016 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
An Australian newspaper cartoonist has compared the LGBTI community to Nazi Stormtroopers as the public debate regarding marriage equality heats up. The Australian printed Bill Leak’s cartoon that features Nazi soldiers dressed in rainbow coloured uniforms and carrying bats with spikes on the end. Underneath the picture reads “Waffen-SSM”, linking same sex marriage to the Nazi Party’s military the Waffen-SS. The Nazi’s persecuted thousands of gay men, sending them to death camps alongside other minority groups including Jewish people. The cartoon has been condemned by LGBTI rights groups and members of public who have taken to social media to voice their disgust. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm has introduced legislation to enable a marriage equality plebiscite to take place in February however he is yet to have the support of the opposition.