Thu 22 Sep 2016 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
A member of Rainbow Wellington is standing as a candidate in the local elections this year. Milton Hollard with the Governor General Milton Hollard is a candidate for the Lambton Ward of the Wellington City Council and is aiming for “A more responsive Council”. Hollard has lived in the area from the time that he was a student and says his family has had a connection to Wellington since 1841. His goals include ensuring safe and secure streets, progressing cycleways, supporting small businesses, permitting and encouraging multi-density mixed-use developments, providing more social housing and implementing a rental housing warrant of fitness among other things. Hollard says “I have had experience in the public sector, with research, advisory and management roles encompassing Māori affairs, local government policy, and constitutional and parliamentary matters. I am currently part-time director of a small business associated with Pegasus Books. “I wish to see Wellington take advantage of its natural attractions, encourage cultural, learning and economic opportunities, and support the diversity of our City, including rainbow communities-- advancing services and activities that sustain and enhance our quality of life.”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 22nd September 2016 - 2:44pm