An aspiring documentary maker is currently looking for a Māori man in his 50s who identifies as gay to be one of the subjects of his latest project. Moka Namana is a student at South Seas Film and Television School, specialising in Documentary Directing and Research and his end of year project will feature the coming out stories from three Māori gay men of different generations. “My motivation for my documentary is based around my life story,” says Namana. “What it was like for me growing up, the battles, the tears, the hurt, the pain, etc, by not being able to accept my sexuality and how I managed to overcome this and accept who I am today.” Namana currently has two of the other men confirmed and he wishes to travel with the men to their home and shoot in significant locations to their story. “My mission is to alter the perception of how people perceive gay people,” he says. “In addition, show fellow gay people the possibilities of freedom and happiness by accepting who they are. “As a proud Māori, this documentary will give an understanding on what it is like to be a gay male in the Māori world.” I am still in the planning stages of this project, but we are looking at one day but this could be broken up in to two half days if that suits you better. The dates allocated for filming is from September 19 to October 2. Anyone interested can contact Namana at
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 16th September 2016 - 1:27pm