Sun 11 Sep 2016 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Broadway and movie diva Barbra Streisand has lampooned US presidential candidate Donald Trump at a glbti fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. Singing at a LBGT For Hillary Gala event in New York, which Clinton attended, Streisand altered the lyrics of the Sondheim classic Send In The Clowns, including: “Is he that rich, maybe he’s poor, ‘til he reveals his returns, who can be sure? Something’s amiss, I don’t approve, if he were running the free world, where would we move?” In a TV interview Streisand had previously joked that if Trump wins she will move to Australia, "if they'll have me." Notable guests from the American entertainment and fashion glitterati included Cynthia Nixon, Debra Messing, Kathy Najimy, Mariossa Tomei, Isaac Mizrahi, Donna Karan, Dianne von Furstenberg and Harvey Weinstein. Singer Rufus Wainwright sang Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Contributions to Clinton's campaign from amongst the 1000 well-heeled glbti people present ranged from US$1,200 to over $250,000.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 11th September 2016 - 9:21pm