The two front-runners in the Auckland mayoralty race will front up to a glbti audience this Friday night in the lead-up to next month's local body elections. Phil Goff and Victoria Crone have confirmed they will attend the Auckland Mayoral Debate which has a regular feature of the lead-up to each election for more than a decade, organised by GABA, now Rainbow Auckland. The moderator for the forum will be retired local body politician Bruce Kilmister and hes says the format will be a simple one. "Each candidate - and we are hoping a few glbti people standing for council, community boards or other bodies will emerge - will have five minutes to introduce themselves and fifteen minutes to tell us their vision for Auckland," he says. Questions will then be fielded from the floor. The Auckland Mayoral Forum kicks off from 6pm at the Ponsonby Bowling Club, 105 Jervois Road, and is expected to last around two hours. Refreshments and a bar will be available.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 7th September 2016 - 1:12pm