Mon 5 Sep 2016 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
The Homelessness Inquiry Cross-Party panel has this morning heard a submission highlighting the issues faced by LGBTI homeless people and in particular, youth. Today’s hearing is the fifth to take place across the country and is the first time LGBTI issues have been raised at the hearings. The submission was presented by Anya Satyanand and Sandra Dickson on behalf of Ara Taiohi - the peak body for youth development - along with Kassie Hartendorp of Evolve Youth Health Services. Labour MP Louisa Wall, who is on the committee of MPs for today’s hearing in Wellington, says "The evidence presented by Anya Satyanand and Sandra Dickson from Ara Taiohi spoke of the historical and present exclusion of our LGBTI youth from family structures that exacerbate homelessness and their vulnerability. I agree with Kassie Hartendorp that we need specific LGBTI youth housing provided in collaboration with LGBTI youth services so relevant health and wellbeing support are available to our young people." She says "There is a housing crisis and our government must take responsibility and provide for all people in need including LGBTI youth specifically. The Prime Ministers continued denial that a housing crisis exists infers our LGBTI youth homelessness experience is not true and does not matter." The homelessness inquiry was launched by the Labour, Green and Māori Parties after National MPs turned down Opposition requests for a Parliamentary select committee inquiry into the issue of homelessness.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 5th September 2016 - 12:59pm