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Trans activists block Manchester Pride police float

Mon 29 Aug 2016 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA

Trans activists protested at the Manchester Pride Parade over the weekend, speaking out against the treatment of trans prisoners and the inclusion of the Police department in the Parade.   Holding banners that read “No pride in prisons”, the activists attempted to block the Greater Manchester Police float from entering the parade. Jess Bradley, who participated in the protest says “It’s outrageous that police officers, who collude in the oppression of LGBTQ people within prisons, are allowed to march at Manchester Pride.” The protesters are calling for trans prisoners to be sent to prisons that correspond with the gender they identify with and spoke out against the high incarceration rates of LGBTI people. They were also protesting the building of a new prison in Manchester and Bradley told reporters “Today we have taken action in solidarity with trans and queer prisoners and against the building of a new US-style prison in Manchester. “We call upon the government to implement a nationwide ban on prison expansion and an urgent review into the conditions within prisons for LGBTQ prisoners.”    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Monday, 29th August 2016 - 1:52pm

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