Phil Goff In the first publicly released poll of Auckland City residents in the lead-up to the Local Body Elections glbti-friendly mayoralty candidate Phil Goff has a resounding lead over the rest of the field. Goff, who has had a long career as a Labour MP including stints as a cabinet Minister and voted for Homosexual Law reform, Civil Unions and the Marriage Equality legislation, is polling at 32% in a poll conducted by Survey Sampling International. Goff has been a regular visitor to Auckland's Big Gay Out glbti picnic and party day and was a strong lobbyist for more transparency around the still largely suppressed details of the death of a gay soldier who took his own life after his sexuality became an issue whilst on duty in the Middle East. Of his opponents in the Mayoral race only Victoria Crone has any significant showing, at a lowly 8 with the rest of the field on 4% or lower.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 22nd August 2016 - 6:53pm